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centre design

Design Challenge, a health tech start-up, was launching it’s first healthcare centre in Bengaluru. The challenge was to create a healthcare experience like no other - one that broke the norms of dingy clinics with uncomfortable seating, poor patient queue management and an overall stress-filled patient experience.

The design for the healthcare centre focused on making the patient experience a positive, trust-filled and stress-free one. It was crafted carefully based on patient touchpoints across different spaces in the centre. Design interventions were planned across these touchpoints which were either informational or fun. Soothing colours, colourful graphics, humourous posters and comfortable furniture was spread across the centre. Digital interventions like token dispensers were introduced which helped patient queue management.

Role ︎︎︎ Lead designer, art director
Type of work ︎︎︎ Environmental graphics, wayfinding, experience centre
Studio ︎︎︎ Rezonant Design
Team ︎︎︎ MP Hariharan, Pranav Mathur, Vinayak Baby, Jayesh Paroli
Published ︎︎︎ 2018

The entrance experience

The entrance experience was carefully crafted with a hassle-free registration process, comfortable furniture to sit on along with inspirational graphics across the space. The interior materials were carefully chosen - darker wood veneers with blue as the primary colour across the centre to make the patient experience as soothing and stress-free as possible. 

The hero illustration wall graphic - Be Better Everyday - highlighted the brand’s core values. Graphic installations and posters on caregivers throughout history, common medicinal plants, medicine related quotes and funny movie posters dotted the space.

The consultation & treatment experience

The wayfinding for the consultation rooms was made easy with big colourful room numbers across the walls. The Hippocratic Oath - one held sacred by doctors to this day - formed a subtle backdrop on the walls in the corridors.

Each consutation room had a lifestyle or health related theme around which graphics were created. The graphics gave simple and easy-to-follow health advice in the format of short rhymes so as to appear friendly and not preachy. The interior wall graphics of the consultation rooms had a soothing palette of either blue or green with subtle patterns.

The paediatric consultation rooms had fun and colourful illustrations around the theme of nature.
The treatment rooms were where the doctors and nurses would run tests like x-rays and ultrasound. The strategy for the treatment rooms lay behind answering a simple question - How can we bring a smile to the patient’s face while they were probably the most stressed out? The answer was to imbibe humour into the space. We created silly doctor-patient cartoons that would bring a smile to anyones face.
The healthcare centre design formed a solid blueprint for several clinics that would open in different cities across India. The feedback received by patients and visitors was tremendously positive.
2017 — Frogtown, Los Angeles

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